Why it works
LEAF-7 works because it is underpinned by the key principles of co-design, keeping older people at the heart of all that we do; and basing our approach on the latest thinking about the health and well-being of older people.
Key Principle 1 - Co-Design
Co-design is the key principle underpinning LEAF-7 development. This has ensured that LEAF-7 is both user-friendly for the older person being assessed, easy to use and administer for the assessment team and meets academic standards to provide a robust and reliable measure of quality of life.
Co-Design – Key contributors:
Older people:
The LEAF-7 tool was co-designed with the vulnerable older people we serve, their feedback about acceptability of the tool has been a key aspect of its design and development.
Staff teams administering the assessments/Assessors:
Our staff were also key to the design and development of the tool. As front line staff they needed to feel comfortable with the format and with the phrasing and content of the questionnaire.
Academic Partners:
Our academic partners, both Leeds Metropolitan University and Sheffield Hallam University have provided invaluable technical expertise to ensure that the final tool is a reliable and valid measure of Quality of Life.
Key Principle 2 - An evidence based and theoretically informed approach
Our approach has been informed by the latest thinking by experts in the health and well-being of older people about how best to measure quality of life. As such LEAF-7 is underpinned by the Capability Approach ( link to Questionnaire Development page)
In addition LEAF-7 draws on key findings in the research literature about which life domains are most pertinent to older people: Health, Daily Living, Value; Enjoyment; Social Contact; Safety and Security; Choice and Control.
The design of LEAF-7 tool therefore offers a theoretically informed measure of quality of life across key life domains.
This combination makes it a powerful tool with which to understand the life world of the older people you work with.